
1) Cloud-Based SCM software

Technology Stack: LAMP Stack (Mysql and PHP), WordPress CMS

  1. From raw material to finished product , created a web based supply chain management ecosystem with in built alerting system.
  2. Complete worflow management for cloth manufacturing.
  3. In depth analytics in raw material financing along with predictive analysis on consumption.
  4. Marketing CRM integration along with retailer stock tracking. Alert management on mails and SMS
  5. Added CRM for employee and accounting management done completely on web fully based on cloud.
  6. Fully responsive for mobile use.

2) Kingdom e-Learning and analytics dashboard

Technology Stack: Mysql and PHP using Laravel, Android Native UI, Bootstrap, Unity3D

  1. Full MCQ and paragraph based question answer CRM along with each student analytics on the cloud.
  2. Diagnosis algorithm diagnoses the student’s initial needs to start the student off on the right foot.
  3. Customized learning path tailored to each student’s unique skill profile.
  4. Kingdom can be run on a tablet, PC or laptop - a seamless experience regardless of the device.
  5. The Kingdom education platform focuses on building reading comprehension and critical thinking skills, primarily focused on elementary and early secondary education.
  6. Integrated complete platformer game along with questions learning including leaderboard.

3) Publication Marketing and client management CMS

Technology Stack: Salesforce, Apex, Angular UI, Webhooks

  1. Fully integrated solution with the tools to help manage every facet of your premium advertising business, from lead generation to revenue collection.
  2. Manages billing and account information for every customer who runs an ad in any publication, and automatically updates customer contracts.
  3. Generic CRM solutions used in the media industry with special features like hierarchical product structures, complex pricing and space management.
  4. Microsoft Dynamics CRM integration. Integration for sales team to use Dynamics CRM to manage the whole sales process including space management and pricing.
  5. Manages all types of multi-publication, multimedia, multi-content advertisements.
  6. Edition planning, display and classified ads pagination.

4) Video Editing on cloud

Technology Stack: Node JS,Angular JS, Jquery,HTML5,Elastic Search Db, Mongodb and ejs

  1. Web based software developed and hosted on Amazon EC2, which allows its users to annotate and mashup video’s and share the url on their website.
  2. Video Annotation.
  3. Custom Video Player.
  4. Store Videos and Annotations.
  5. Fully based on nosql db (mongodb) with fast indexing using elastic search.
  6. EC2 ans S3 video storage.

5) Healthcare diagnostic App

Technology Stack: Node JS,Angular JS, Android Native, iOS Native

  1. Book medical diagnostic services using the mobile app. Consumer can also login and view current and past reports
  2. Historical reports, report interpretation services
  3. Offline capability.
  4. Web app currently in progress
  5. Hospital patient analytics using diagnosed data.
  6. Deployed on EC2.

6) Paintball ecosystem

Technology Stack: Mysql,PHP, Joomla, Unity3D

  1. Paintball game Website in Joomla and hosted on cloud. The website is integrated with web version of the game
  2. Supports a custom leaderboard for players.
  3. Custom Widgets,Custom Login
  4. Real Time Multiplayer
  5. Digital Paintball 3 has everything a paintball player would need from a PC game such as high quality 3D Assets, Multiplayer Game play, browser and desktop supported.
  6. Unity3D SDK,3D Assets,Photon SDK Integration

7) Blisaura and Blisaura IWEE

Technology Stack: Nodejs, Angular JS , HTML5 , CSS3

  1. Complete event system ecosystem with conference management
  2. Budget planning with status tracker
  3. E-mail Invitations , Diary
  4. Real Time Multiplayer
  5. Book your Appointments , Artists finder
  6. http://www.blisaura.com/ , http://www.blisauraconf.com/

8) IOT – Mobile App, Web Portal & 3D Simulation

Technology Stack: Nodejs, Angular JS , HTML5 , CSS3 , iOS Native , Unity 3D

  1. Development of IOT (Internet of things) Platform for a USA startup for Lacrosse Game.
  2. The software we developed comprises of an iOS App, API’s in NodeJS and Unity3D simulation for player
  3. Web API Development , Mobile App Development

9) Coca Cola Cooler Rating app

Technology Stack: Ionic Framework, Angular JS, Node js and Cordova

  1. Mobile app using Web Technologies and compiling using Phonegap for rating and review coolers.
  2. Analytics dashboard with full reports on consumerrating pattern
  3. Rating Coolers earns rewards which can be exchanged for goodies inside the application.
  4. Geo-Fencing, GPS
  5. Push Notifications, Restful API's

10) Shopupnear Ecommerce solutions

Technology Stack: Android Native, iOS Native , Angular, Bootstrap and Node js

  1. Fully integrated ecommerce backend deployed on ever 10 servers.
  2. Native mobile apps for both iOS and Android
  3. Products upload dashboard.
  4. GPS based product search
  5. Push Notifications, Restful API's

11) Macho Boy

Technology Stack: Unity 3D, chartboost , PHP

  1. Mr.Macho explores the Haunted City. He is cool,adventurous and most important he is funny
  2. Mega Virtual Store.
  3. Products upload dashboard.
  4. Buy coins to upgrade power ups.
  5. Macho Drinks to save Macho Boy.
  6. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.VirtualVision.MachoBoy